Breaking News: Dengue Epidemic is Out of Control in Karachi


The Dengue Epidemic in Pakistan's largest city Karachi is out of control. With each passing day the number of dengue patients is increasing. 403 new dengue cases were reported in the last 24 hours.

Due to the alarming increase in dengue patients in Karachi, the government has decided to convert HDUs established for Corona into Dengue isolation wards.

32 HDUs established for Corona Virus in Karachi will be converted into Dengue Isolation Wards. In the new dengue isolation ward, mosquitoes and staff will also be alerted All facilities will be provided to dengue patients on the direction of the Health Minister.

The health department says that they will also try to provide platelets and mega units to the affected people. It should be noted that 403 cases of dengue virus have been reported in Karachi in one day, after which the number of people infected with dengue virus has exceeded 2 thousand in the first two weeks of September.

Dengue fever is the most rapidly transmitted mosquito-borne disease worldwide and is caused by 4 types of dengue virus. The most important thing to prevent dengue disease is not to allow water to accumulate anywhere, common people only focus on dirty water but clean water plays the most important role in spreading this disease. The use of mosquito nets and sprays is a must because once infected, the virus can take up to two to three weeks to clear from the body.

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